gobe nermal - A Square Mind in a Round World
Help us bring this Spiritual, Family, Thriller to life

Wanting honest actors for each character in gobe nermal who love a challenge.


Powerful, meaningful, and memorable

Embrace and engage in their story

gobe nermal has many characters that play an important role, even the small bit parts have lines and motions that are so subtle you will not catch it your first time reading the screen play or watching the completed film. And if you do catch the hints, the hairs on the back of your neck with me wet from fear.


The character of Kenny was taken from the performance of Leonardo Wilhelm DiCaprio in What's Eating Gilbert Grape. Being a television actor and having a few unknown movies under his belt, he was not a well known actor, so in 1993 when I saw him as Arnie Grape in What's Eating Gilbert Grape, I thought he was really in that condition. When I found out he was not, I applauded his awesome performance.

I wrote the character of Kenny with Leonardo Wilhelm DiCaprio's character of Arnie the whole time. Of course knowing that Leonardo would not do the movie since he has done that role before, plus he is much older now and I need a kid, I was inspired by the realness and gritty performance. gobe nermal will only be as good as the person who plays Kenny. As the director and producer, I am hoping to find that actor with the help of a casting service. The film depends on the actor not over-doing it, but no making fun of the disability.

The Man [a few physical changes]

The Man is a character that when first introduced is a loving, caring, supportive, father figure. As time goes on, his behavior becomes more like the uncle that you put up with, then the neighbor that annoys, ending with the person you never thought he would be and you pray you never have to see him again.

There are some iteration of the story when The Man changes looks and becomes several different ethnicities due to being able to mask his true identity, but mostly to bring in actors from a diverse section of the acting world. If you have acting chops: color, race, age, or size has NO bearing or factor on whether you get the role, and it should never.

Kenny's Mom

The Man is a character that when first introduced is a loving, caring, supportive, father figure. As time goes on, his behavior becomes more like the uncle that you put up with, then the neighbor that annoys, ending with the person you never thought he would be.

Kenny's Mom is loving, caring, and protective. She is also lonely, frustrated, and overwhelmed with taking care of Kenny since her husband left after the accident, but she never feels that he is a burden.

Kenny's Mom's Dad/Kenny's Grandfather

The Man is a character that when first introduced is a loving, caring, supportive, father figure. As time goes on, his behavior becomes more like the uncle that you put up with, then the neighbor that annoys, ending with the person you never thought he would be.

A positive, loving, caring, supportive, and spiritual man.

Kenny's Mom's Mom/Kenny's Grandmother

The Man is a character that when first introduced is a loving, caring, supportive, father figure. As time goes on, his behavior becomes more like the uncle that you put up with, then the neighbor that annoys, ending with the person you never thought he would be.

A positive, loving, caring, supportive, and spiritual woman.

Kids at School

The character of Kenny was taken from the performance of Leonardo Wilhelm DiCaprio in What's Eating Gilbert Grape. Being a television actor and having a few unknown movies under his belt, he was not a well known actor, so in 1993 when I saw him as Arnie Grape in What's Eating Gilbert Grape, I thought he was really in that condition. When I found out he was not, I applauded his awesome performance.

Kenny's Doctor

The character of Kenny was taken from the performance of Leonardo Wilhelm DiCaprio in What's Eating Gilbert Grape. Being a television actor and having a few unknown movies under his belt, he was not a well known actor, so in 1993 when I saw him as Arnie Grape in What's Eating Gilbert Grape, I thought he was really in that condition. When I found out he was not, I applauded his awesome performance.

$4,000 USD

of $500,000

5 contributors

0.8% funded
many days left

Support Our Efforts

We feel we can make this exciting film with $500,000, but would love to have more to secure some known talent. We have no estimated ending date as of .

Use Of Proceeds

Pay and feed our Actors & Crew since they do most of the work and give of their time and talent.

Support the locations for their assistance and sacrifice.

Post-Production and Distribution purposes to get it to the audience.

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